Fifty nonpublic school leaders across Michigan met with their state representatives and senators to directly advocate for nonpublic education as part of the annual Policy Day hosted by MANS and MCC. Also this week, the leadership transition in the Archdiocese of Detroit was made official with the installation of Archbishop Weisenburger.
The House passed a state budget for next year much earlier than usual. Read more about what it means in the context of the ongoing budget-setting process, as well as updates on bills of interest to MCC.
Retiring Archbishop Allen Vigneron, who has chaired the MCC Board for the past 16 years, was formally recognized by the board in his last meeting as chair. Plus, the Governor gives her latest State of the State and updates on legislation that MCC supports.
Ensuring every student receives a quality education is critical to promoting the common good. As the state budget process gets underway, MCC will be advocating for a student-centered approach to education funding.
MCC welcomed a new Detroit archbishop this week, who will also chair the MCC board. Also, read a new comprehensive report on MCC’s advocacy activities over the past two years.
Designed to care for the physical, mental, and financial wellbeing of our participants, Michigan Catholic Conference provides a full spectrum of employee benefits and wellbeing programs to Catholic entities throughout Michigan. Generally, entities may choose which plans and programs they wish to offer. Providing administrative support for the MCC benefit plans and programs, the Benefits Team serves both the entity and its employees with personal service by phone, email, chat, and in-person.
Designed to care for the physical, mental, and financial wellbeing of our participants, Michigan Catholic Conference provides a full spectrum of employee benefits and wellbeing programs to Catholic entities throughout Michigan. Generally, entities may choose which plans and programs they wish to offer. Providing administrative support for the MCC benefit plans and programs, the Benefits Team serves both the entity and its employees with personal service by phone, email, chat, and in-person.
For the best response time and most effective claim handling, no matter the type of loss, call the new MCC designated Gallagher Bassett 24/7 hotline at (833) MCC-LOSS (833-622-5677).
Applications for special events are now only submitted online. Compared to the triplicate forms, this process is more efficient and eliminates the need for reviewing, processing, and mailing back the completed forms.
Fill out the form associated with your respective (arch)diocese and remember to keep one copy in the vehicle at all times and a copy in the office for tab renewal with the State.
Whether you need a COI for an event, equipment lease or rental, or use of third party space, please fill out the request form in its entirety and we will provide you with the certificate or contact you with questions.
Constructing a new building? Bequeathed a house? Renovating an existing building? In order to have adequate property insurance on any new or renewed structure, please provide us with as much detail as possible on the subsequent form.