Special Events Insurance

Effective June 15, 2024, applications for special events insurance must be submitted online. This process eliminates the triplicate forms, reduces the amount of paperwork, and expedites the process for securing coverage for units. Questions may be directed to the Risk Management Department at (800) 395-5565 or specialevents@micatholic.org.
Welcome to online submission of Special Events Insurance. Please follow the link below to initiate the submission process. Important: the form must be filled out and submitted by a parish representative.
General procedure for the application process:
- Click or tap the “Online Special Events Application” link below to begin the application process
- Fill out all fields on the form, making sure to enter the number of the check that will be sent to MCC for payment (Parish check required)
- Include the host’s or organization’s name on the memo line of the check
- Once the parish submits the form, the host receives an email copy to sign
- As soon as the host signs, MCC receives a copy to await approval
- Once the matching check is received by MCC, it will be approved and completed copies are immediately and simultaneously emailed to the parish and host
Please note: We began using Foxit for applications related to special events starting June 15, 2024. Updated step-by-step instructions are provided below.
- Online Special Events Application
- Step-by-Step Instructions for Online Special Events Application
- Special Events Insurance Handout
Please note: all checks for Special Events need to be mailed to:
Michigan Catholic ConferencePO Box 670986
Detroit, MI 48267-0986