Church Profile

There are 1,767,470 Catholics in the seven (arch)dioceses — Detroit, Gaylord, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Marquette, and Saginaw — in the State of Michigan. This represents 17.5 percent of the total population for the State. The Catholic presence in Michigan includes:
- 616 Parishes
- 1,052 Priests
- 1,337 Sisters
- 64 Brothers
- 11,105 Baptisms (Adult and Infant)
- 11,506 First Communions
- 11,525 Confirmations
- 3,322 Marriages
- 34 High Schools
- 11,070 High School Students
- 158 Elementary Schools
- 33,632 Elementary Students
- 3,787 Lay Teachers
- 40 Sisters Teaching
- 16 Priests Teaching
- 11 Brothers Teaching
Health Care
- 21 Catholic Hospitals, assisting 5,870,326 patients annually
- 6 Health Care Centers, assisting 12,867 patients annually
Charitable Care
- 5 Residential Care Orphanages, assisting 772 children annually
- 16 Day Care/Extended Day Care Centers, assisting 768 annually
- 23 Specialized Homes, assisting 13,311 individuals annually1
- 84 Special Centers for Social Services, assisting 477,686 individuals annually
Source: 2022 Official Catholic Directory, P.J. Kenedy & Sons
- Specialized homes include institutions that house youth, unwed mothers, the handicapped, or battered women, or homes that serve as places for drug rehabilitation. ⇧