News Release: Regarding Governor Snyder’s Support for Faith-Based Child Placement Bills

June 11, 2015
(Lansing, Mich.) — Governor Rick Snyder today signed into law House Bills 4188-4190. The legislation grants faith-based child placement agencies legal protections to continue providing foster care and adoption services in concert with the agencies’ religious mission. Paul A. Long, Michigan Catholic Conference President and CEO, responded to the Governor’s support:
“Michigan Catholic Conference is grateful to Governor Snyder, as well as the Legislature, for their support of this legislation. It is critically important to solidify the State’s long-standing partnership with faith-based child placement agencies operating collectively in the best interest of the state’s most vulnerable children. House Bills 4188–4190 will not only promote a diverse range of child placement providers, they will ensure the state does not discriminate against social service agencies that serve the poor and vulnerable while providing foster care and adoption services to the general public.”
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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