News Release: MCC: House Vote to Eliminate EITC ‘Disappointing’

June 10, 2015
(Lansing, Mich.) — The Michigan House of Representatives today voted to eliminate the Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in an effort to divert some $117 million toward road repair and improvement across the state. The EITC, which qualified recipients can claim on their state return in the amount of six percent of the federal EITC, is an important anti-poverty tool that recognizes the tax burden on low-income workers. After the vote, Tom Hickson, Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy made the following comments:
“While almost every Michigander recognizes the need to finance road repairs, we are disappointed to see these funds shifted away from the working poor,” said Hickson. “The EITC is a powerful tool that helps people transition into a more stable situation. Michigan Catholic Conference encourages policy makers to be mindful of the impact that poverty has on low-income workers and vulnerable families, especially in Michigan’s more economically distressed communities.”
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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