News Release: Catholic Conference Offers Support for House Child Protection Legislation

April 16, 2018
Lansing — Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) Vice President for Public Policy Tom Hickson offered the following comments today supporting bipartisan legislation introduced last week in the Michigan House of Representatives to protect children and others from abuse:
“The Michigan House has been engaged in developing positive, forward-looking solutions to combat the appalling and terrible presence of sexual abuse in society. For these efforts thus far to address the scourge of abuse, Michigan Catholic Conference is grateful. We look forward to supporting measures in committee intended to protect children, create safe environments, and produce structures and policies to ensure every person feels safe both in public and private environments.”
House Bills 5783–5800 are scheduled for discussion beginning this week in the House Law and Justice Committee.
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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