News Release: Michigan Catholic Conference Urges ‘No’ Vote on Ballot Question to Legalize Recreational Marijuana
MCC Joins Healthy and Productive Michigan Coalition in Opposition to Proposal 1

October 2, 2018
(Lansing, Mich.) — With a unanimous vote from its Board of Directors, Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) is saying no to the legalization of recreational marijuana in Michigan and, as such, recommends a ‘No’ vote on Proposal 1 at the November 6th General Election ballot. MCC is also joining the official ballot question committee opposed to Proposal 1, Healthy and Productive Michigan, which includes the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, Michigan Sheriffs’ Association, the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, Citizens for Traditional Values, and the Michigan State Medical Society, among others.
In the coming weeks, Catholics across the state will have an opportunity to learn more about Proposal 1 through MCC’s FOCUS publication, which is distributed in mass quantities to every Catholic parish, school and institution across the state.
According to the FOCUS document: “Questions about this proposal considered by the MCC Board of Directors, which includes the diocesan bishops in Michigan, asked if this measure promotes the common good and uplifts the moral fiber in the state. After careful review, the MCC Board is urging a No vote on the measure, citing the harm it may cause for Michigan families, health outcomes, communities and workers.”
Readers of the MCC publication will observe a series of questions and answers, including how the proposal applies to Catholic teaching, as well as how approval of this policy will not protect youth, improve family life or health, nor will it improve communities or make people better workers.
In an effort to ensure an informed vote, MCC is presenting to readers the official language for Proposal 1 that will appear on the ballot, various claims by the supporters of Proposal 1 (along with MCC’s response to those claims), as well as several organizations and individuals that have taken a position on the ballot question. The document is heavily sourced with more than a dozen footnotes from leading academic journals and state and federal government agencies.
As a 501c3 organization MCC does not endorse political candidates or parties, nor does it make financial contributions to either. MCC does take positions on legislative issues and ballot questions.
Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.
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