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News Release: Gov. Whitmer’s Social Media Skit Prompts Catholic Bishops Conference to Urge Greater Respect for Religion in Public Life

October 11, 2024

(Lansing, Mich.)—A video posted yesterday to social media platform Instagram featuring Governor Gretchen Whitmer has prompted the state’s Catholic bishops conference to express profound disappointment and offense taken at the actions in the video. In the skit, Whitmer lays a Dorito chip on the extended tongue of a woman, who as the camera pans out is shown to be kneeling in the same manner as one would when receiving Communion on the tongue. The governor then stares expressionless into the camera.

“The skit goes further than the viral online trend that inspired it, specifically imitating the posture and gestures of Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist, in which we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present,” said Paul A. Long, Michigan Catholic Conference President and CEO. “It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices. While dialogue on this issue with the governor’s office is appreciated, whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.

“People of this state and across the country have grown tired of and continue to express their alarm at the bar of civility and respect toward people of faith lowering by the day. Michigan is a religiously diverse state and includes thriving communities of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim believers. The time is now for those in public office, their handlers, and strategists to return a level of respect, civility, and appreciation for those who have found peace and fulfillment in life by worshiping God and serving their neighbor.”

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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