Providing for the Poor and Vulnerable

Man has the right to live. He has the right to… food, clothing, shelter, medical care, rest, and, finally, the necessary social services.
All people must have access to basic human needs to ensure they can live in a dignified manner, with a particular concern for the poor, the vulnerable, and anyone who goes without those basic needs.
Whether through government programs or private social services providers, caring for the poor must be prioritized in setting policy and state budget spending.
To provide for the poor and vulnerable and ensure basic human needs are available for all, MCC supports:
- Tax policies that support marriage, families, and low-income residents.
- The allocation of state budget resources to provide critical services for vulnerable persons, especially health care, food, and home heating assistance.
- Energy policies and regulations which promote competition, support for low-income ratepayers, and foster environmental stewardship.
- Affirmation of the recognized right to exercise religious conscience in the provision of publicly funded services.
- Regulatory legislation that will protect the faith-based mission of churches and institutions.
- Maintenance of the tax-exempt status for nonprofit organizations.
- Access to safe drinking water and fresh food for families and individuals.
- Affordable, accessible housing and transportation options for low- and moderate-income Michiganders.
- Fair and adequate working conditions for all employees.
- Policies that foster and promote employment opportunities.
- Opposition to policies that prey upon the vulnerable, such as predatory payday lending.
Foundational Documents
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (2402–2407, 2426–2436, 2437–2448, 2443–2449)
- Evangelii Gaudium (Pope Francis, 2013)
- Caritas in Veritate (Benedict XVI, 2009)
- A Place at the Table (U.S. Bishops, 2002)
- Ecclesia in America (John Paul II, 1999)
- Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (John Paul II, 1987)
- Catholic Framework for Economic Life Economic Justice for All (U.S. Bishops, 1986)
- Populorum Progressio (Paul VI, 1967)
News Releases
- Catholic Conference Releases 2025–26 Public Policy Principles (02/04/25)
- Final State Budget Reflects Priorities—and People—Michigan Policymakers are Willing to Support (07/24/24)
- Catholic Conference Applauds Senate Vote to Protect Poor from Predatory Payday Lending (03/14/24)
- MCC Comments on Final Fiscal Year 2022 State Budget (09/29/21)
- MCC Urges Michigan House to Pass Legislation that Removes Government Barrier to Marriage (06/07/18)
Additional Resources
- The Word from Lansing Column:
- The Infinite Dignity of Each Person Must Shape Our Public Policies (06/25/24)
- Public Policy Decisions Should ‘Go to the Margins,’ Too (04/17/24)
- Helping the Poor by Ending Exorbitant Payday Loan Interest (03/15/24)
- In This Year’s Legislation and Budget, Make Family the Priority (02/09/24)
- Five Legislative Issues Catholics Should Know About in 2024 (01/09/24)
- Clean and Affordable Water for All (Focus Essay, 5/2019)
- Transportation, Community, and the Common Good (Focus Essay, 7/2016)
- Catholic Charities of Michigan, Inc
- Letter Calling for Greater Attention to Poor and Unemployed in State Budget (Michigan Bishops, 4/2011)
- Statement on State of Michigan Budget (Michigan Bishops, 9/2009)
- Poverty in Michigan, Grief, Anxiety and Suffering on the Rise (Focus Essay, 3/2008)
- Lansing Update:
- What the Early House Passage of a State Budget Means (03/14/25)
- MCC Board Recognizes Outgoing Archbishop and Chairman (02/28/25)
- Lame Duck Legislating Marathon Up and Running This Week (12/13/24)
- Forming a Catholic Conscience Before Voting (10/25/24)
- Let Faith Inform Your Political Participation (10/18/24)
- Alternative Lending Programs Available in Michigan
- Save EITC Website
- Visit Poverty USA and learn how you can combat poverty in America
- En Español: Pobreza USA