Pursuing Restorative Justice

Make justice your aim: redress the wronged, hear the orphan’s please, defend the widow
The human dignity of both the crime victim and the offender should be acknowledged within the criminal justice system when considering punishment and the capacity for rehabilitation.
Restorative justice solutions should foster fairness and rehabilitation, improve public safety, and encourage accountability and healing.
To secure restorative justice for those affected by crime, MCC supports:
- Policies that respect crime victims, including provision of just compensation and treatment for their physical and emotional injuries.
- Incentivizing intensive probation programming to reduce recidivism.
- Adequate state funding to ensure accused indigent persons receive competent legal representation.
- Comprehensive reentry services to assist the formerly incarcerated in becoming productive members of society, including job training for the skilled trades and information technology support positions.
- Sentencing guidelines and parole practices that reflect an individual’s potential threat to society.
- Elimination of life without parole sentencing for juveniles convicted as adults.
- Mediation between victims and offenders during the sentencing process to assist healing for victims through the accountability of offenders.
Foundational Documents
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (2265–2267)
- Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice (U.S. Bishops, 2000)
- Confronting a Culture of Violence: A Catholic Framework for Action (U.S. Bishops, 1994)
News Releases
- Catholic Conference Releases 2025–26 Public Policy Principles (02/04/25)
- For Second Straight Year, MCC Presented with Three Top Awards for Excellence in Public Relations (04/22/19)
- Raise the Age Legislation Seeks a ‘Smart’ Approach to Juvenile Crime (12/01/15)
- ‘A Blueprint for the Common Good’ (02/09/15)
- Statement on Michigan Supreme Court Juvenile Life Without Parole Decision (07/08/14)
Additional Resources
- The Word from Lansing Column:
- Our Plan to Advance the Common Good This Legislative Session (02/03/23)
- Time to Discuss Law Enforcement Reform Again After Tragic Death in Grand Rapids (05/25/22)
- Do Justice, Love Goodness, and Walk Humbly with God (07/17/20)
- Patience and Persistence: Advocacy Successes in 2019 (01/17/20)
- Michigan Prepares to Enact “Raise the Age” Legislation (10/25/19)
- Reforming Juvenile Justice in Michigan (Focus Essay, 11/2015)
- Crime and Criminal Justice: Juvenile Life Without Parole (Focus Essay, 5/2014)
- Background on Confronting Armed Violence and Promoting Peace (USCCB, 2013)
- Defending the Poor (Focus Essay, 5/2009)
- When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women (U.S. Bishops, 2002)
- Michigan Campaign for Justice
- Lansing Update:
- Policy Day Brings Together Nonpublic School Leaders and Lawmakers (03/21/25)
- What the Early House Passage of a State Budget Means (03/14/25)
- MCC Board Recognizes Outgoing Archbishop and Chairman (02/28/25)
- New Legislative Session Underway as MCC Presents Policy Priorities to Officials (01/24/25)
- What the Final Frantic Week of Lame Duck Means for MCC (12/20/24)