Michigan Catholic Conference will be closed for the Christmas holidays starting December 24, 2024 through January 1, 2025
Roles and Responsibilities
Employer/Unit’s Role and Responsibility: Know, Maintain, Provide, and Inform
Know the MCC plans offered, the definition of benefit eligibility for each, how employees enroll in or waive their benefit options, and how employee data from payroll directly impacts benefit eligibility, benefits payable, and invoiced premiums.
Maintain current employee, and employee eligibility, data in your payroll or wage reporting provider, such as Paycor, Beene Garter, and Points North/Who’s Where.
Provide new hires with a list of plans the unit offers, and any employee contribution amounts for medical, dental, and vision; MCC’s Employee Benefits Enrollment Guide; and all required notices.
Inform employees of MCC, its role in their benefits and its contact information/website address.
MCC’s Role and Responsibility: Provide, Administer, Partner, and Educate
MCC administers your employee benefit programs, and risk management benefits.
Provides Employee Self-Serve (ESS) for benefit enrollment, recording of employee’s dependents, and benefit enrollment information.
Provides and administers a website with benefit plan information, financial wellbeing resources, and allows employee benefit enrollment through ESS or by phone.
Partners with employers on benefit education.
Educates employees and employers on benefit plan specifics.