Lay Employees’ Retirement Plan Annual Report

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Plan History & Structure

Benefit Provisions

Normal Retirement Age
Social Security Normal Retirement Age (SSNRA) and 5 years of service - SSNRA = 65 if born before 1943; 66 if born 1943–1959; 67 if born after 1959
Final Average Earnings (FAE)
Average of highest 10 years of earnings
Normal Retirement Benefit
1.5% x FAE x credited service

Participant Data

As of July 1, 2023

Participant Category Number Average Age Average Service Average Earnings Average Monthly Benefit
Active 8,249 49.2 9.5 $43,474 N/A
Terminated Vested 5,097 53.3 N/A N/A $420
Retirees 11,003 74.9 N/A N/A $823
Beneficiaries 967 74.8 N/A N/A $597
Total 25,316

Funded Status

As of July 1, 2023

Present Value of Accumulated Benefits (PVAB)
Market Value of Assets
Overfunded/(Underfunded) PVAB
PVAB Funded Percentage