Michigan Catholic Conference
(800) 395-5565
(517) 372-3940
510 S. Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933

With Gratitude for African-American Catholics

Michigan Catholic Conference is pleased to provide materials intended to be of assistance toward facilitating a deeper understanding of Black and African-American Catholics and their contributions to the life of the Church in the United States. While many Americans are familiar with trailblazers such as Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas and Jackie Robinson, less is known about the heroic lives of Fr. Augustus Tolton, Henriette Delille, or Sister Thea Bowman, among others. The resources below are intended to be of assistance toward broadening the awareness of Black and African-American Catholics and their Gospel-driven perseverance through profound racial and societal challenges. We also invite readers to become more familiar with “America’s Second Independence Day” – Juneteenth – celebrated annually on June 19. Download the Focus publication for additional resources and information.

Focus Essay

African-American Catholics have contributed substantially to the shaping of communities across the country. Currently there are six African-Americans in the early stages of examination for sainthood. Their life stories and witness to the Gospel demonstrate the importance of generosity, faith, and perseverance in the midst of challenges and at times, experiences of racism. FOCUS highlights potential and current saints of African descent, and shares Catholic teaching that encourages all believers to speak out against racism. Read more…

Social Media Graphics

Additional Reading

Highlighted Saints of African Descent

Sainthood Causes for African-American Catholics


Michigan Catholic Conference
(800) 395-5565
(517) 372-3940
510 South Capitol Avenue
Lansing, Michigan 48933
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