Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    Help Stop Extreme Abortion Bill and more…

    The Lansing Catholic Cougars football team being celebrated this week at the state Capitol for their 2021 state championship in an event hosted by State Rep. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) and attended by state lawmakers from the Capitol region.

    Tell U.S. Senate to Stop Most Extreme Abortion on Demand Bill Ever Seen; Website Dedicated to Opposing Proposed Abortion Amendment Launches; Governor Signs Bills Providing COVID Tests for Schools, Limiting Unnecessary Incarceration; Lansing Catholic Football Celebrated by Lawmakers at State Capitol; Pope Francis Calls for Day of Prayer, Fasting for Ukraine Next Wednesday.

    MCC Fights Against Predatory Lending and more…

    Closeup of the Michigan State Capitol dome as seen from outside of the building

    Here’s What MCC is Watching in Governor’s Proposed Budget; MCC Joins Opposition Against Expanding Predatory Loan Practices; Latest Spending Bill Includes More Money for School COVID Tests; State House Agrees to Ban Research on Aborted Fetal Tissue; Bills Cracking Down on Unnecessary Incarceration Head to Governor.

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