Lansing Update

Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    “MCC Event Highlights Resources for Pregnant Women, Moms, and Families” and more…

    Attendees at the Empowering Women, Strengthening Communities event held on the Capitol lawn

    MCC Event Highlights Resources for Pregnant Women, Moms, and Families; Catholic Conference Again Urges Support for Driver's Licenses & I.D. Cards; Hyde Amendment in Jeopardy—Pro-Life Support Needed; Supplemental Budget Includes Critical COVID-Aid for Nonpublic Schools; House and Senate Pass State Budgets: A Review of Education Items; House and Senate Pass State Budgets: A Review of Departmental Items; MCC Testifies on Behalf of Consumer Protections in Payday Lending Industry.

    House and Senate Subcommittees Pass 2021–22 Budget Recommendations

    Two school girls wearing protective face masks bump elbows

    House and Senate Subcommittees Pass 2021–22 Budget Recommendations; U.S. Catholic Bishops' Conference Comments on Verdict in Chauvin Trial; USCCB Denounces Reversal of Limits on Human Fetal Tissue Research; Proposed Title X Rule from Biden Administration is Concerning for Catholics; Vulnerable Adult Protection Bills Continue Forward in House Committee; Measures to Reduce Unnecessary Incarceration Clear House .

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